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Open Letter to DDOT and Edgewood Businesses About 8th Street NE Safety Improvements
Sep 21, 2021 -
North Capitol Redesign Community Forum Recording - 9/15/2021
Sep 16, 2021 -
Petition: No More Deaths -- Fix Michigan Avenue
Mar 10, 2021
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Bloomingdale’s afraid of the big, bad bus
This post was cross-posted at Greater Greater Washington Last month, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) unveiled its proposed Better Bus Network, which redesigns its current bus routes and service levels (share your feedback here!). Like other national and international bus-network redesigns, the Better Bus Network proposal aims to provide an overall higher level of more equitable bus service with the same budget. (Last year, WMATA put out a “visionary network” proposal to show what a bus-network redesign with a 35% increase in funding could look like; that increase in funding did not come to pass, and WMATA has subsequently dropped the visionary network.
9 Minutes
Jul 3, 2024
1822 Words

Petition: Add Bus/Emergency Vehicle Lanes to Florida Ave
Excitingly, DDOT has put this street on their bus priority map, and is at the beginning stages of a project to improve bus service on this corridor. But there’s a growing concern the agency may shy away from the best solution, 24/7 bus lanes, out of fear of driver backlash. This corridor is too important for half-measures that neither fully solve the problem, nor appease critics. Tell DDOT: Don’t compromise on safety and service.
1 Minutes
Aug 12, 2023
197 Words

Sign the Letter: Close the 8th St MBT Gap this year!
After months of delay, DDOT returned to the community in May with a new plan for how to close the gap in the Metropolitan Branch Trail on 8th St NE. And it’s really good! Now it’s time to make sure there are no further delays in getting this done. Sign our letter to DDOT urging them to complete construction this year. The fundamentals of the new plan are the same they showed the community last summer: converting the street to one-way northbound for a safer, more predictable traffic pattern (particularly for school pickup and drop off) and putting a two-way cycle track on the west side of the street.
3 Minutes
May 12, 2022
593 Words
Open Letter to DDOT and Edgewood Businesses About 8th Street NE Safety Improvements
After years of planning for a street redesign on 8th Street NE to help address dangerous conditions and close the gap in the Metropolitan Bike Trail, last week DDOT abruptly announced that they were functionally killing the project. The news came as a shock to the community which has been waiting since the opening of the MBT for a solution for this critical stretch. In response, over 650 residents signed an open letter to DDOT and the local Edgewood businesses whose letter expressing opposition to the most recent proposed solution was the most notable public change before the announcement.
3 Minutes
Sep 21, 2021
466 Words
North Capitol Redesign Community Forum Recording - 9/15/2021
On September 15, 2021, representatives from two community groups shared their respective ideas for ways the city could redesign North Capitol Street in Washington, DC. Nick Sementelli from Ward 5 for All and Conor Shaw of the Eckington Civic Association presented their proposal for a North Capitol Community Boulevard and Thaddeus Thaler, Teri Janine Quin, Bertha Holliday and Mark Galvan from the North Capitol Deckover Steering Committee shared their vision for decking over the current underpass.
1 Minutes
Sep 16, 2021
117 Words
What exactly are we trying to preserve Eckington’s industrial land for anyway?
Last week community leaders in Eckington made the case for restoring the Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map Amendments that would allow housing on the industrial land near the metros and along the trail in their neighborhood. As they laid out, these amendments would seem to be a home run. In addition to its transit accessibility, the large area in question could accommodate a significant chunk of the city’s housing goals (including two large District-owned lots that are primed for affordable and deeply affordable housing).
7 Minutes
May 14, 2021
1434 Words

Sidewalk Palooza
Use the map below to review Sidewalk Palooza events in your neighborhood. Click the marker to find information on when, where and who organizer is for you to get in contact with. Don’t see an event in your neighborhood? You can lead it! It’s easy and we can walk you through it. Just send us an email at ward5forall@gmail.com and we can get you setup.
1 Minutes
May 3, 2021
65 Words
What the FLUM is up with the Howard East Campus?
A routine ANC meeting became the center of attention in the Brookland neighborhood last week as neighbors discussed how pending changes to the Comprehensive Plan would impact development plans on the Howard East Campus. The specific discussion was focused on a proposed change to the site in DC’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM). Unfortunately, some misunderstandings about what the new map would and wouldn’t do have led to widespread confusion in the community.
10 Minutes
Mar 30, 2021
1977 Words
Petition: No More Deaths -- Fix Michigan Avenue
The recent death of Mr. Armando Martinez-Ramos at Michigan Avenue and 10th St NE is a tragic reminder of the gap between the District’s current streets and our Vision Zero goals. The specifics of the crash are still being investigated, and when it concludes, the District Department of Transportation should move quickly to implement any and all street design improvements that would have helped prevent this tragedy. But fixing one intersection on this dangerous street is not enough.
1 Minutes
Mar 10, 2021
183 Words
Edgewood/Eckington/Stronghold Library Community Meeting Record
On Wednesday, February 24th, Ward 5 for All held a community meeting to discuss the proposed new library to fill the service gap for the Stronghold, Edgewood and Eckington neighborhoods in Ward 5. DC Public Library assistant director of communications and community engagement, Martha Saccocio was on hand to present and answer questions. You can watch a partial* recording of the meeting and read the chat here: *Unfortunately, due to user error, the first half of the meeting was not recorded.
1 Minutes
Feb 25, 2021
123 Words